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Picnic Day

August 30, 2017 - August 31, 2017
  • This event has passed.

Today is National Picnic Day.  In observance of this day and to raise money for the Jane Scolett Scott memorial fund for student educational testing, students may choose between the following:

Free dress – each child will bring in $5.00 to have a free dress day.  Students may wear picnic clothes.

On free dress days, students may wear appropriate non-uniform apparel.  Short shorts, short skirts, and no tank tops are not allowed. If there is a question regarding length, a member of the administration will determine whether or not the student may remain in class. Flip flops and sandals may not be worn for safety reasons.

Spirit dress- – each child will bring in $1.00 to have a spirit dress day.  Students can wear shorts including jean shorts and any Saint Catherine Spirit shirt.  Short shorts, short skirts, and tank tops are not allowed. If there is a question regarding length, a member of the administration will determine whether or not the student may remain in class. Flip flops and sandals may not be worn for safety reasons.

Start: August 30, 2017
End: August 31, 2017

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