TKD/Little Dragons
St. Catherine Activity Center 2515 West 46th Street, Tulsa, United StatesTKD/Little Dragons will be after school with Mrs. Victor.
TKD/Little Dragons will be after school with Mrs. Victor.
There is Mass at 8:15am in the church.
The 8th grade will be graduating at 5:30pm. Mass will begin at 5:30 - the graduation ceremony will be towards the end of Mass.
Mass begins at 5pm in the Church.
Fr. Grant will hear confessions from 3:30-5:00.
Mass begins at 5pm in the Church.
Mass is at 11am in the Church.
There is Mass at 8:15am in the church.
The White team will have practice in the field behind the playground on Wednesdays. If there is rain, we will most likely have practice in the activity center.
The Blue team will have practice in the field behind the playground.