Elementary Lego Club
Mrs. Victor's classroomElementary Lego Club will meet in Mrs. Victor's room at 3:30.
Elementary Lego Club will meet in Mrs. Victor's room at 3:30.
The school Mass begins at 8:10 in the church.
Students will meet in Mrs. Victor's classroom for TKD at 3:35.
Today we will celebrate our Pastor.
The school Mass begins at 8:10 in the church.
Cascia Hall will be having their entrance exam for those students interested in attending Cascia Hall. Here is the link: Here the link to sign up. https://www.casciahall.com/page/admissions/discover-cascia-hall
Mass begins at 5pm in the Church.
Fr. Grant will hear confessions from 3:30-5:00.
Mass begins at 5pm in the Church.
Mass is at 11am in the Church.